La Voie Lactée. Olga Kisseleva (RU), Taisija Polischchuk (UKR)
On view: March 8th- April 8th, 2022
LA VOIE LACTÉE, video, 5’33
Artist: Olga Kisseleva (RU)
Scientist: Taisiya Polishchuk
Ballerina: Victoria Ananyan
The project “La Voie Lactée” initiated by Russian artist Olga Kisseleva in collaboration with Ukrainian scientist Taisiya Polishchuk is a women’s proposal in response to the confrontations between Russia and Ukraine.
The video features an innovative object: a beautiful, soft and clear voile, made by the artist from milk residues using the ancient technology of galalith. Manipulated by Armenian-born ballerina Victoria Ananyan, the voile protects, supports, embraces, nurtures, uplifts and unites. These are all feminine methods of conflict resolution, in contrast to warlike approaches – attacking, destroying, demeaning, annihilating…
Today, when a major geopolitical crisis threatens the world, an artistic metaphor is used to suggest a different approach, resolutely peaceful, inspired by maternal instinct and esteem for the other.
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